Gooble Gobbles Paper Comics!

This is where you can find and enjoy the original, pencil-and-paper versions of my silly little comics!

As you can tell, many of them are sketched out in my notebook(s) and were drawn when I was supposed to be paying attention in class. Because of this, some comics may be messy or even illegible. I'm gonna try and make transcripts so my work can be more accessible, but like everything else on this website that's kind of a work in progress.

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Volume 1

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #1, Sep/12/2023, "Being Alive Will Dock You 5 Points"

The one that started it all... I drew this (and many of the other early comics) in my speech communications class while taking notes and thinking about how all this stuff just comes naturally to most people but not me. I'm guessing the title makes more sense now. Nearly all of my comics are drawn in notebooks and I usually crop out as much of the notes as I can, but these really frame the piece, don't you think? Also I didn't realize I made it the day after 9/11 until going through the files on my phone and looking at the dates, so that's kinda funny.

Artist's Note: it's hard to spot here, but you might notice that my little self insert (who I also call Gooble Gobble!) doesn't have any arms. The choice to just have floating amoogus hands was made pretty late into development. Although, there wasn't really any "development" to be had, seeing as I drew this in less than ten minutes in between taking notes.

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #2, Sep/13/2023, "Whoops"

flavor text

Artist's Note:

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #3, Sep/14/2023, "ADHD, IBS, FML"

Ah, the one that got away. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only photo taken of this particular comic. It was also drawn in my speech class, except instead of drawing it in my notes I drew it on an informal little quiz thingy and turned it in. I don't remember my professor commenting on the work, I also don't know what he does with these little work sheets. For all I know, this comic could be dead, but I still have the crappy photo.

Artist's Note: it took me so many tries to get the third pannel right, you have no idea. I knew I wanted to have that video game line "This Action Will Have Consequences," but I didn't know how to frame the character. Eventually, I decided it'd be funny to show a zoomed out, unsuspecting Gooble Gobble surounded by the ominous text. You can also see scribbles in his brain and tummy as these are the bad things that happen to me when I drink coffee.

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #4, Sep/16/2023, "One-Day Hiatus"

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Artist's Note:

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #5, Sep/18/2023, "Serious Issues"

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Artist's Note:

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #6 & #7, Sep/20/2023, "Lacking Inspiration" and "Imposter Syndrome"

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Artist's Note:

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #8 & #9, Sep/26/2023, "Modern Philosophy" & "Three Little Words"

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Artist's Note:

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #10, Oct/3/2023, "10th Goobiversary"

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Artist's Note:

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #11, Oct/18/2023, "Flash! Bang!!"

flavor text

Artist's Note:

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #12, Oct/24/2023, "Anatomical Implications"

Fun fact: this comic was intended to be something of an early Halloween Special! The instructions were also intended to be much more thorough and the imagery more graphic, showing Gooble Gobble cutting a mouth into his face like a Jack-o lantern, scrubbing his bloody, needle-like teeth, and stiching his mouth back shut. I think the only REAL reason I didn't go through with it was a lack of skill and an unwillingness to draw that many comic pannels.

Artist's Note: I wanted to make it really, REALLY clear that Gooble was about to cut his mouth open to access them pearly whites, but if my mom is anything like the average reader, then maybe I wasn't clear enough. I also had a lot of fun with the widdle mitten hands!

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.1 #13, Nov/2/2023, "Game Night!"

flavor text

Artist's Note:

Volume 2

Gooble Gobbles, Vol.2 #1, Mar/4/2024, "Hello, Old Friend" or... "Melancholy is Hard to Draw"

Channeling my inner Rocky and Bullwinkle with this one, mister two titles over here. I don't know exactly what made me move on to volume two, but it'd been a long time since I made one of these comics and I guess it didn't seem right to continue on with volume one. Either way, this is where we are now, I haven't actually made a Gooble Gobble comic since this one, but I'm not gonna stop.

Artist's Note: melancholy IS hard to draw! Especially in a simple, cartoony, mouthless art style like this one!!

Thank you to Neocities for hosting my silly little art gallery (and teaching me how to code)!